Sabah Al-Ahmad Residential City Postal Code: 66381, 66382.Jaber Al-Ali suburb postal code: 51701,51702.

Postal code for Fahd Al-Ahmad suburb: 53901,53902.Postal code for Ali Sabah Al-Salem (formerly Umm Al-Hayman) suburb: 65000.Postal code for Mubarak Al-Abdullah Al-Jaber Suburb: _.Hawalli Governorate in Kuwait includes 16 areas, each with a special postal code distributed as follows: Al-Ahmadi Governorate and Al-Jahra Governorate, each governorate has its own postal code. The State of Kuwait includes six governorates: the Capital Governorate, Hawalli Governorate, Mubarak Al-Kabeer Governorate, and Al-Farawiya Governorate. The kuwait city postal code is a set of unique numbers through which each region is distinguished from another within each country so that each area is assigned a single postal code that cannot be repeated. kuwait city postal code Mubarak Al-Kabeer.zip postal code kuwait city Jahra Governorate.