Three items from different eras were chosen and interrogated further using qualitative data gathering methods such as: observational drawing, sketch, photography and colour studies.

The Collections Resource Centre in Leicestershire, United Kingdom, was employed for the study of selected archival garments. The project demonstrates a synthesis of historical objects with research insights through creative digital technologies and systematic investigation.

Future development opportunities within a textile design research context were also considered such as new knowledge relating to methods, techniques, procedures, software, processing parameters, creative insights and production implications, for example. The research was underpinned by a textile design perspective and jacquard weaving was identified as a relevant process to consider and explore how objects from the past may be redefined using an applied approach, particularly in terms of contemporary design. The collaborative exploratory study was co-supervised by academics from two different design disciplines: Textile Design and Product Design and Technology and by an Organic Chemist as to support the coloration aspects of the work. A practitioner-research investigation into reinterpreting historical fashion and textiles artefacts through digital design process was undertaken by an undergraduate Textiles: Innovation and Design student specialising in Integrated Digital Practice.